Monday, May 2, 2016

Steps to live your dream life through LoA

Whatever you focus on expands!

Energy flows where attention goes!!

Like attracts like!!!

Your mind acts both like a transmitter and receiver.

Whatever you are thinking and feeling in every moment is what you are transmitting (24X7) and receiving round the clock regardless of your awareness and that unconscious transmitting and resulting receiving is what have brought you wherever you are in life right now.

So first you have to become conscious of this power you posses through your THOUGHTS & FEELINGS.
That's why I said read at least 10 times what I have shared with you here (my previous post).

Until you become consciously aware of the power you posses you will continue to bring (manifest) everything running in your mind (mostly your fears and unwanted things).

Once you get this you will understand that you are the sole creator of your life and your thoughts, feelings and mind conditioning have brought you in this situation and
You and only you can get it to your desired/ dream life by changing in that direction

First get rid of all fears and anxiety by practicing GRATITUDE.

Because when you fear you focus all your attention and energy on that object and get into the process of manifesting your fears rather than your desires and wonder why I'm getting opposite of what I wanted.

Why this law is not working for me?
The law is working round the clock like gravity.

You are getting unwanted because you are focusing on it with full attention.

You don't doubt your fear but you have doubts (distraction) on your FAITH!

If you have got this then let's move forward.

Don't worry all your problems will be resolved once you get this and follow this law consciously.

1) First tool is GRATITUDE
Gratitude will direct your attention from the unwanted to the good you have in your life
And will get more of the same (the good).

2) Second is IMAGINATION
When we worry (the most of us, most of the time) we use our imagination in manifesting the opposite/unwanted stuff by virtue of our undivided focus and attention paid to the worried object/ situation.

Imagine ONLY the outcome of your dreams. You living them, FEELING exhilarated and giving thanks for it

3) Third, write down (with full faith) all the things you want to manifest will full details with their deadline to achieve/ manifest.

But the key is you have to BELIEVE so, which is the hardest thing with most of us.

Our belief shapes the reality we live in.

The exercise for building belief- 

Start with something small, something that you think is easy to manifest and BELIEVABLE.

And once you manifest that small thing, like a cup of coffee or chocolate gift or a free lunch or dinner or anything you BELIEVE is easy for you.

Go for the next big thing and as you manifest it go for higher and gradually next bigger thing.

And as you continue to have these stream of manifestations that will build your level of BELIEF/ FAITH to go for what now seem big and impossible.

You will become the living example of LoA, which you and everyone is already now but in the opposite direction (manifesting unwanted/ undesired things/ life).

Again you got to appreciate that this law is not some black magic or something alike.

Again go through everything I shared with you till it resonates with you.

FEEL GOOD all the time and you will continue to live feeling good (your entire life) because the law is infallible
Always responding to your THOUGHTS and FEELINGS.

Mind you every single person on this universe has been manifesting everything that's running in their MIND, FEELING and THINKING.

Can you escape gravity?
If no, then you can't escape LoA either.

You are under its influence round the clock by virtue of your THOUGHTS and FEELINGS
You can't stop thinking hence you can't stop manifesting your thoughts.

What you transmit has to come back with the like receding frequency of person or events.

Remember that your thoughts are the primary cause of everything. So when you think a sustained thought it is immediately sent out into the Universe. That thought magnetically attaches itself to the like frequency, and then within seconds sends the reading of that frequency back to you through your feelings. Put another way, your feelings are communication back to you from the Universe, telling you what frequency you are currently on. Your feelings are your frequency feedback mechanism!

And if you don't follow it you are attracting opposite of what you want because of your fear, anxiety and apprehension.

Read again what I shared.

There are no shortcuts to it
If you want it bad enough you will get it.

All the best.

To your success,

Manish Mathur,

What is the Law of Attraction?

Hello Friends,

Today I want to answer one of the most common question asked to me by my friends- What is this Law of Attraction and what this can do for me.

So let's start and unfold The Secret.

First of all relax, calm down, feel good and take a deep breath.

Like any other law this law too have some basic ground rules following which will give you the desired results and breaking/ violating then will give opposite of it. So make sure you follow them if you really want to manifest your desired results or else you will get opposite as most of you says you have been getting (through your unchecked/ subconscious THOUGHTS).

Before we start you need to understand what this law is and clear the misconception you have about it.

The basic premise of Law of Attraction (LoA) is "Like Attracts Like" that's all and you have to remember it always or better you write it/ type and take print out and hang/ paste it on your working desk or in your home (everywhere so that you can see it and it acts as a reminder).

Now how does this "Like attracts like" work?

As you know everything is energy and all energy is vibrating at a particular frequency and like frequency attracts the like objects (person, place or event) to itself.... always.... working round the clock without failing. ... like gravity does!

So it all boils down to your THOUGHTS, your thinking process. And your thoughts are guided by your feelings, and vice versa.

So in order to manifest all you have to do is control your thought process. And since nobody else can think on your behalf nobody can bring anything (good/ bad) in your life concluding that you and only you have the power to change your life and nobody else (this shall clear your misconception of an outsider bringing anything in your life). So you and only you are responsible for you life. Everything that has happened till date in your life has been brought by you only. So take responsibility of it and take charge of your life.

It's like being on driving seat, driving the vehicle of your life and being completely unaware of it so such driver is bound to make accidents, something that almost all of us are doing through the unawareness of this law and its functioning.

So I hope this gives you some idea of what is LoA, how does this work and clearing your misconception of other person bringing some magic/ miracle in your life.

Since nobody can think on your behalf and hence nobody can bring anything (good or bad) in your life.
And since you are thinking all the time (even when you are sleeping) you are attracting all the time depending on what you are thinking.

So why you get unwanted results? Because you are unaware of this law and unconsciously thinking everything you don't want, you are afraid of.

So go through this, all that I have written till now, at least 10 times till it seeps into your subconscious mind and you become conscious of your THOUGHTS.
Once you are through with this basic I will tell you the steps to follow and manifests all your desires.

Before following the manifestation steps it is mandatory that you get the basis right or you will not get the desired results.

A strong and solid foundation is a must to build a strong and lasting tower/ building.

I hope now you have got it that LoA is not some black magic and nobody outside of you can bring anything (good or bad) in your life. So take full responsibility and take charge of your life.

In the next post I will share the steps to manifest your dream life and everything you want to manifest in your life.

All the best.

To your success,

Manish Mathur,

Thursday, November 6, 2014

There's always a way out.

Down but not out, you might have heard this line somewhere in your life but it made sense only when you were or some of your near/ dear one was in that situation.

But the question how to get to the last three words of this line. One way I found out in this regard is- GRATITUDE.

Yes Gratitude is one of the practical way I found out that can show the way out in the said philosophy.

Check it out.

You may not have what you want in your life RIGHT NOW but that shouldn't disappoint you as you can't afford to get sad. If you do (as happens in most cases) you will tend to go further down (REMEMBER- WHATEVER YOU FOCUS ON EXPANDS) till you reach a threshold and become your own critique.

So STOP, just try and find one good thing (you may not find it immediately but look around everywhere and you will find it. All you need to do is to OPEN UP and you will definitely find it) and be GRATEFUL for it- does this give you a little good feeling, it does definitely.

Now the key here is to build over this little good feeling and gradually you will notice more reason/ things to be grateful for it. And the more grateful you feel, more good you will feel, both things go hand in hand.

This good feeling will bring the like energies to you and show you the new way out.
Remember everything is energy and we too are energy and whenever we feel low or down that means negative energies have overpowered the positive and to turn the situation around you will have to bring more positive energy and GRATITUDE is the way to do that.

List down all the good things in your life right now, I know it's easier said than done, you may start with your healthy body, eyes to watch this, friends, family, education, money (even if you have only Rs. 10 with you), job etc etc.
Writing down the things you are grateful for are far more effective than just thinking about them and counting verbally.

I would love to hear your experience and comment.

Be the best version of you.

Manish Mathur

PS- Practice it to believe it.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Thoughts as steering wheel

Wondering why this law is not working for me despite trying all what you can and getting results on and off?
Here is a tip cum example.

This analogy will help you guiding your thoughts.
Life= road
Me= car
Thoughts= steering wheel
When I want to go from Mumbai (where I am) to Pune (where I want to be) I will reach only when I do the following.
1. Clarity, do I really want to go to Pune?
2. Choosing the correct path (road) and vehicle.
3. Start (because until I take action, start my car in that direction, I will never reach the destination).
4. Relax, keep moving and Focus on the destination ( if I'm not relaxed or not focused then definitely I can't drive well).
5. Most important, have FAITH that this path that I chose will reach me to my destination and not move my steering wheel left, right or backward. That's where the most common problem lies, even after following all the steps we tend to think otherwise (move steering wheel in wrong direction) and as all you know if we keep moving the steering wheel left-right then we will reach everywhere except our destination.

Now in real life and in case of driving this is easy to move straight and take proper directions as it's in our subconscious by default to guide us and not doubt the vehicle, the road, the directions, the sign boards etc and safely reach our destination without much hurdles but when it comes to apply the same for achieving the dream and following the LoA reverse of all the things start happening we doubt our-self (vehicle), our life (the road), the thought process (steering wheel) and everything.

So what's the way out of this confusing situation?

It's simple, just follow this analogy and drive yourself towards your dream that way you drive the vehicle and you will reach your dream life the way you reach from home to office and back office to home.
It's that simple, all you need is to train your subconscious mind.

Any questions? Do write back.

Have fun!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Three Most Powerful Practical Spiritual Principles I’ve Learned from Millionaires, That Can Totally Change Your Life!

Over the years I have had the privilege to spend time with some very financially and spiritually enlightened people. As a result, my personal life and the way I do business has changed.
In listening to these people talk and observed how they handle their personal and business lives, three very distinct and powerful traits came to my attention. I believe if all these three traits were applied to your life, they would make such a dramatic change, that in a short time all the things you desire would show up in your life.
I don’t say that lightly, I really have been influenced by these three Spiritual Principles and their power. I believe – no, I KNOW, you will be too, if you apply them in your life.

Spiritual Millionaires choose what they want instead of focusing on what they don’t want. They never spend time thinking about what is “missing” from their life. Rather, they make a choice about what they want in their life.
Spiritual Millionaires have 100% confidence in the Law of Attraction. The have no doubt about their ability to create what they desire. They don’t “believe” it – they KNOW it. There is a world of difference between “believing” and “knowing”. When you “know” the truth about anything, there is no doubt. You have 100% confidence. 
Knowing is about trusting that you are the only one who knows what is right for you, that you are capable of handling whatever comes to you, and that you are clear on your intentions or the outcome you choose to create.
I’ve seen the power of being absolutely clear on my intentions for my life: They come true! They have for me, and I watched the Spiritual Millionaires as their intentions came to reality for them as well. 
Being clear on your intentions is a good first step. However, a more powerful and life-changing step is trusting that those intentions are ALREADY a reality on the non-physical plane of consciousness, and that they must manifest in your physical reality if you do not hold any opposing thoughts.
And then, "Act As If…" your intentions are reality, now. Not dishonestly, or outside of your true beliefs. But, to feel it, sense it, imagine how it’s going to "show up" in various situations once it manifests in your life. 

 Principle Number 2 THEY TAKE ACTION
 As I observed Spiritual Millionaires, I noticed that they didn’t hesitate to move on their ideas and responding to situations that called for action in order to keep the momentum going.
 Do you get the power of what this Principle is about? If you’re sitting waiting for something to happen, doing other "important" tasks rather than those that you know will produce the results you desire , you are wasting time and you are no closer to your desire. Trust me on this one, I’ve waited for so many things in my life that never showed up! 
Acting on your desire is habit that you desperately need to cultivate in order to get to where you want to be! Waiting will not do it!
I watched these Spiritual Millionaires, one after another, take immediate action, not out of fear or to ‘force’ things to happen, but because the next action they took brought them one step closer to their desire. And, I saw tremendous results come into their lives. 
They don’t take unnecessary action. Instead, they use the leverage of energy, the same leverage of energy that creates everything in the universe. 
I have seen these Spiritual Millionaires step into spaces of discomfort, and have courage to take action. It was also evident that they were as scared to take those steps as you and I are when we’re faced with the choice of moving out of our comfort zone. 
It’s time to "Get Moving”, trust your intuition, your sense of knowing what the next step is, and take action. We often wait for the "feeling to be right" first, before we take the action we know will bring us satisfaction. That’s backwards! The feelings of satisfaction only comes from ACCOMPLISHMENT, not from pondering and procrastinating. (You knew that one, too, didn’t you?!)
Never try to force things to happen because you are afraid of what will happen if you don’t take a certain action. Instead, choose ‘inspired action’ that moves you toward what you want, not away from what you don’t want. 

Acting on your intentions without trying to force things to happen will magnetize your desires by attracting people, places and opportunities into your into reality that you never would have even seen if you hadn’t done so.

Spiritual Millionaires maintain an “attitude of gratitude”. Gratitude does not need explanation – you know how to be grateful. But did you know that gratitude brings you more of what you appreciate? Gratitude speeds along the manifestation of your desires. 
When you find things that you appreciate and you use them as your point of focus, your world has to get better in every area of your life. Spiritual Millionaires know that every time they flood their mind with appreciation or gratitude they attract more of what they desire. 
Look around you right now. What can you be grateful for? Make a list. Get into the authentic feeling of true gratitude. Find something, anything, to be grateful for right now. When you are grateful, you’re in a high energy vibration that will attract more things to be grateful for and more good things will come to you magically, drawn in by your feelings of gratitude. 
When I put these three principles into practice for myself, I immediately, I mean IMMEDIATELY, got results! 
Every Spiritual Millionaire I have known has created their wealth and happiness using these three principles. If you want a step-by-step blueprint on how to apply these principles and fine-tune your ability to create whatever you desire, then take a moment to check out my “Secret of Deliberate Creation” program. I promise you the principles in the “Secret of Deliberate Creation” program will get you the results you desire. And, they are enjoyable, easy and nothing works faster!
Want to discover more?